Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year Everyone

Happppy New Year, Everyone. Does this mean I'm getttin' even older? Ouch!
Been thinking this Morning...about my Life, where I have been, where I want to go.....
Like I "inscribed" in a book I gave a dear friend 4 Xmas..." Don't think 4 a minute, just because I hit a few "bumps" in the road every now and then, that I am not Happy!"......Isn't that ALL we want 4 ourselves and our families and friends? JUST to be Happy....In my LONG expereince with Life, Happiness is an INSIDE job, I just want to outwardly reflect to everyone around me, what Happiness, Peace and Contentment look like: I think I do a pretty good job of that daily.

Tell someone today how much they mean to you today, then ACT like it for the rest of the year! It brings amazin' results and you'll find yerself making less apologies and amends later in yer Life.

God Bless, and my Blessings for LOVE in the New Year.
I'm so LUCKY, to have the people I have in my Life; I LOVE YOU ALL!!

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