Saturday, November 11, 2006

Granted Grace, I call it "The Event"!

In my addiction years, the thing next to my "Friends" that my addiction STOLE from me was my ability to create, my art, my designs, my photography- and- above ALL else my belief in anything Spiritual! Well, ALL that has changed. Just a short while ago, a MIRACLE was performed in my Life. The day it began ( September 26th, the week b4 my 47 th Birthday), I was granted Grace. I call it "THE EVENT". If my friends, here in Los Angeles, weren't around to "witness" this "Series of Events", I wouldn't believe it myself. * I HAD A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE!
For about two full weeks a series of COINCIDENCES happened and PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES. It's difficult to explain. I was set " FREE"! I was given many gifts - that continue each and every day since: clarity of thought, freedom from ALL my past fears, "knowing" that I never have to use drugs again, "knowing" WHO I AM, what "my part" was in all my past affairs, where I want to go, what I really want out of Life and how to get there, that I am truly loved by many, that God does exist, that I have a "purpose", that I am LOVEABLE. My creativity, inspiration, my drive, my JOY of Life was not only given back to me - it was magnified a thousand times. As things continue to develop, I will be posting pictures of my Art, Jewlery and Photography. Here are 3 pix that were taken a couple of years ago- when I managed to stay clean just long enuf to feel a little creative.

Footnote: By Jan 2007, I will have my Website up and runnin'. The address, believe it or not, will be:, where I will be displaying and selling my Art, Photography and Jewlery. Stay turned, Don't touch that dial, don't change that station!
May You Be Blessed; I KNOW I am!
Quote for Consideration: "Coincidence Is God's way of Remaining Anonymous!"

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